Thursday, March 02, 2006

Taste accounting

I think the cliche goes something like "there is no accounting for taste", which I have taken to mean that one person's junk is another person's treasure. But the more I think about that, the more I'd like a little taste accounting.

There are things in this world I just don't enjoy. The taste of meat, soy milk, grapefruit. Bill O'Reilly. But I understand that other people do. Just because I think meat tastes like sweat, soy milk tastes like the sole of a shoe and grapefruit tastes like battery acid, doesn't mean everyone does. I have tried to like green olives for the past 22 years of my life. My sister and my dad go nuts over these certain olives from Southern California (Graber Olives) that my grandma sends each year at Christmas. Watching them enjoy the olives makes me wish I liked them too. But I don't. And it's not for lack of trying.

But other things, especially music, movies, TV, certain design sesibilities, just don't make sense to me. And not only do they not make sense to me, I don't understand how they make sense to other people. Someone out there thinks Carrot Top is funny, otherwise, why is he famous? Why does he get to do commercials? Someone at some point thought Gallagher's watermelon smashing was hysterical. Someone must watch According to Jim. Somebody likes Star Jones. Somebody appreciates really strong perfume. Somebody likes that dreadful Nickelback song about the photograph. Somebody still likes flowery wallpaper.

Who are these people? Because we aren't just talking about the oddly sour taste of a green olive. We are talking about shows people choose to spend time watching. Movies people pay money to see. Comedians people laugh at. Clothes people choose to put on their bodies. Ways people choose to decorate their houses.

So I want some taste accounting! How is it that According to Jim, Still Standing, Skating with Celebrities, and dare I say, even Will and Grace are all still on the air and Arrested Development, one of the truly funny shows of our time, has been virtually cancelled? It makes me wonder if I'm the one with the problem. Am I missing something subtle and wonderful in one of the aformentioned shows? Is it because I don't eat meat?

I guess I'll try to be more open minded. But I can't say that's helped me with grapefruit and green olives.


Blogger Daniel said...

I still don't care for cottage cheese; every time I try it, same verdict. I used to not like cheese, tomatoes, or peaches, but I've made conscious decisions to appreciate each and now do.

Maybe the quote means that there is no accounting system for taste. No ledger or credit/debit system for taste. There are only four tastes (five if you count MSG).

irckearw (earrwicke or irck wear?)

4:20 PM, March 03, 2006  
Blogger Scott said...

Grapefruit . . . (Scott gurgles with happy anticipation ala Homer Simpson). See my recent blog for a full reaction.

12:42 PM, March 05, 2006  
Blogger Angela said...

Okay, Scott. I replied to your comment on your blog. Wow. One of my blogs warranted its own Scott blog. I feel so honored. Or, I feel stupid and you just needed more space to refute my point. In either case, point taken. I get it. Scott for president! Or at least for Vice President. Something tells me you have better aim than the Chane-ster.

6:11 PM, March 06, 2006  
Blogger Scott said...

When I shoot Republicans, they stay shot. Oh, wait, I'm a pacifict. Nix that.

I don't think I was refuting you, just continuing the discussion.

My word verification was ielba. I imagine that's what they'll rename a certain Italian island when Steve Jobs is exiled there for nine months.

3:11 PM, March 08, 2006  
Blogger Angela said...

Okay. No refuting. Continuing. My brain is numb today (as it is almost every day by this point). Yesterday when I commented on your comment I was at a similar point in my day, so perhaps I didn't mean "refute" exactly, but was too lazy to search for the exact word in my shrinking vocabulary to catch my true meaning.

On another note, I heard you stopped by, yet again, while I was out. I will assume this is why your blog today was sort of dreary and somewhat pensive. A lack of Angie in a day will do that to a person.

5:19 PM, March 08, 2006  

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